This is our home...

Our core brand values stand for mindfulness, freedom of self-expression, diversity and wanderlust. Below you will find the set of drawings that we picked for each value that we stand for.


For us mindfulness stands for being present in the moment where soul, mind and body are connected. Through our designs, we want to encourage people to be mindful, take time in life, and appreciate moments by paying attention to small details and trying to see beyond the shapes while having no limit to our imagination.

Breathing exercises and yoga can help to evolve awareness about your surroundings and how important it is to be kind to yourself and to others as we don’t know the phase of healing of another person. That’s why we always take a minute to be mindful. Since it’s important to us, we wanted to spread and incorporate mindfulness into daily life and create awareness with our customers.

Freedom of Self Expression

Freedom of self-expression

With the time we learn that it’s important to love and appreciate ourselves and that our difference is our strength. All of us come from different backgrounds and bring individual views and experiences with us. This is what makes us so special – our differences.

As Nazrin comments:

"For me I have been always using art for my self-expression because I always felt that words cannot always describe your state of feeling. What I love about my art is how I make people feel as every piece of my art carries part of a story, cultural background, or hope."


We believe that in order to experience growth, we need to move out of our comfort zone and leave space for the unknown to happen.

As Nazrin comments:

"In my experience living and working abroad, having an open mindset and growing with that experience shaped the person I am today. The more experiences you gather, the more you realize how many more things in life you can explore. As long as you are open to receive and reflect, your attitude towards life shifts where you become more curious about life and then everything turns into magic. The desire for wanderlust and curiosity to experience the unknown is still living within me and I am looking forward towards the wanderlust story of Nazrin Designs that will be shaped with you."

Drawing of Sebastián Yatra


For us diversity doesn’t only stand for different nationalities. It is the change that we need to stand for and the change needs to start with us. It is the environment that we altogether create to encourage individuals to bring in their perspectives and experiences. By doing so, designing the karmic world where we all feel part of.

As Nazrin comments:

"I have met many amazing people, and one of them is Sebastian Yatra. This drawing specifically I have devoted to Sebastian as I am impressed with his mindset. And what really strikes me about him is that he talks about the importance of living in balance with everything: humans, animals and nature. I also share the same values ​​and I think those issues are very important for our world. For this reason, hopefully one day I could communicate with him to discuss the possibility of forming a community, spreading the topic of mental health and mindfulness, becoming the change that we need to be."